The REAL Change Decatur Wants
"Putting Residents FIRST!"
Truth, Transparency & Accountability in Government
In Decatur News Today:
Another Negative Headline...
- And Once Again -
Below are just 4 examples - captured on film - for you to see for Yourself.
Many other examples can be read in numerous news articles.
(All videos will appear at the top - Just below the headline. Some may take a moment to appear)
(Watch Mayor Bowling Refusal at 2:58 minute mark)
VIDEO: Has Decatur Drinking Water Been Independently Tested for Safety - Mayor Bowling Evades Question:
(Mayor Bowling Evades Answering from 38 second mark - 1:50 minute mark)
(Mayor Bowling Refusal at 1:20 minutes -1:45 minute mark)
(Mayor Bowling Goes Silent from 40 second minute mark)
Have You Had Enough?
ARE YOU TIRED of reading negative headlines about Decatur?
ARE YOU BOTHERED by Mayor Bowling refusing to talk about issues affecting our health and well-being?
ARE YOU CONCERNED by a Mayor continuously cloaked in secrecy?
ARE YOU FED-UP with Mayors, in general, Who:
- Carry on with "more of the same," "business as usual" bad government?
- Don't deliver on their promises?
- Serve "special interests" before residents?
- Do NOT truly look out for, the best interests of residents?
Maybe, It's Time We Try Something
"A Little Different"!
Nationwide, news outlets, continue to boast of how Northern Alabama is leading the nation with an explosive, booming economy! Decatur's surrounding cities including; Madison, Athens, Huntsville, and others continue to develop and expand, attracting new businesses, new home developments, improved schools, vastly appreciating home values, and more - all while Decatur remains essentially stagnant, by comparison, in every category!
In Decatur, our business community, our residential development, our population, our schools, AND OUR HOME VALUES, remain essentially flat by comparison - experiencing no significant growth - while our neighbors, all around us, continue to enjoy substantially appreciating home values, and continue to directly benefit from their booming local economies...
There's an old saying that "If the grass is greener on the other side - it's probably because it's better cared for!" We need look no further to see a glaring example of exactly this, than right here in our own City of Decatur!
We don't need a new $267,000 slogan to entice builders and businesses to invest in Decatur. And spending over a quarter-million taxpayer dollars on a slogan and branding pitch is NOT what is needed to inspire families to want to live here, or to improve our schools.
What we need is a Mayor and City Council who are true Servant-Leaders and true and honest fiscal stewards - to start "taking better care of our own grass," here in Decatur!"
It's Time Decatur Residents
Had Eyes, Ears, and a REAL Voice
In Our Mayor's Office!
My name is Paul Serwatka. If you are like me and the hundreds of other Decatur residents that I have spoken with - you are probably frustrated, annoyed, perhaps angry, and certainly quite concerned, about the ongoing negative news we continue to hear, almost daily, about what's taking place in Decatur.
And, if you are like me, and the hundreds of residents I have spoken with, you are particularly bothered by the fact that, again, and again, and again, Mayor Bowling repeatedly refuses to speak on important issues, and very intentionally avoids responding when questioned, leaving residents to wonder:
"Why all the secrecy?"
For these very reasons, and after much discussion with a number of residents, I have decided to run to be our next Mayor, not of - but, for Decatur.
I Want To See Decatur THRIVE!
I don't want Decatur to just exist and survive. I WANT DECATUR TO THRIVE!
My wife, Robin, and I CHOSE Decatur to be our home. We want Decatur to be a place where our four children can grow and find opportunity. We want them to finish school and find good careers HERE! We want them to buy homes HERE! We want them to settle down and raise their families HERE!
And with all the resources and all the potential Decatur has, there is only one reason it is not already currently thriving today - because it has not been, AND IS NOT BEING, properly looked after and cared for by those we've elected and trusted to do so!
I believe, quite strongly, that Decatur needs a working Mayor. Decatur needs a Mayor who is proactive, not just reactive, or worse yet, often inactive!... Decatur needs a Mayor who will take a "hands-on" approach, spending time out in the community, seeing what residents see, and understanding, what residents live and deal with day in, day out, and proactively working, on a daily basis, to truly make a Better Decatur.
As a former Mayor/Village President, and a former City Councilman/Village Trustee, of Lakewood, IL - as well as a long-standing "Government Watchdog" and founder of a number of Citizen Action and Government Watchdog Groups, including; Voters In Action , the Lakewood Tax Fighter & Better Government Project and most recently, Decatur Watchdogs - Citizens For a Better Decatur - I can honestly say, I have spent the better part of the last decade exposing bad government, spearheading "better government" initiatives; and holding local, county, and state governments accountable - and, with a great degree of success!
I urge you to take a few moments to learn more about me, my background, and my unique Tested and Proven track record in reforming government & bringing Truth, Transparency and Accountability to City Hall, as well as my Unprecedented Pledge and Commitment to the residents of Decatur. And I urge you to encourage your friends and neighbors to learn more, as well!
In taking the time to learn more, I am quite confident you will find 4 things:
1. You will my find my background to be, perhaps, somewhat atypical. ("A Little Different", Perhaps?)
2. You will find my Tested and Proven track record in reforming and effecting better government to be quite substantial and quite unique.
3. You will find my passion toward Truth, Transparency and Accountability in government to be refreshing.
4. You will find my Pledge to Residents to be literally unprecedented.
I believe, quite strongly, there are 4 qualities, first and foremost, that are paramount to being a truly "good" Mayor for Decatur (or for any city):
1. COURAGE - To take a stand and face the issues that affect Decatur families most.
2. PRINCIPLES - To Know And Do What is Right - Not what's easy, or "expected."
3. FORTITUDE - To fight corruption, as well as those who put personal agendas and "Special Interests" before the best interests of Decatur families!
4. A SERVANTS HEART - Understanding that Leading means Serving and setting an example that others may follow.
This, is EXACTLY the kind of former Mayor I have proven to be - and this is EXACTLY the kind of Mayor I pledge to be for the families of Decatur! And I even GUARANTEE IT! (See My Pledge to Residents)
I will work every day to bring an entirely new level of Truth, Transparency and Accountability to Decatur's Mayor's Office & City Council, the likes of which Decatur residents have never seen before.
I implore you to take a moment to learn more about; why I am running to be Mayor for Decatur, to learn more about my Tested and Proven track record transforming city government - and to learn about my Unprecedented Pledge and Guarantee to Decatur residents.
I believe, my extensive, tested and proven track record speaks for itself. And I say with confidence, that I don't believe our current Mayor, or any other candidate who may run to replace him, can offer such definitive proof of their abilities, their intentions, or their REAL purpose for seeking to be Mayor.
I do NOT seek to be Mayor of Decatur - Rather, I seek to be Mayor for Decatur!
Are you ready to try something "A Little Different"?
For a Better Decatur,
Paul D. Serwatka
Paul Serwatka
"Putting Residents FIRST"